
9th place

6800 points


Collaboration between users 917 and 1402 on 899



Challenge Category Value Time
Web III Meeting Flag Web III 50
Meeting Flag Networking Security 50
Meeting Flag Welcome Back! 100
Meeting Flag Ethics and Law 50
Meeting Flag Python Jails 50
printf read PWN II (Format) 150
Format String Quiz PWN II (Format) 100
Format 0 Pwn 50
Meeting Flag PWN II (Format) 50
Crypto II Meeting Flag Crypto II 50
First XOR Crypto I 50
Crypto I Meeting Flag Crypto I 50
Bug Bounty 2 PWN I 150
Bug Bounty 1 PWN I 100
Integer Overflow PWN I 150
PWN I Meeting Flag PWN I 50
4 Pin Lock Physical Security 50
Master Lock No. 3 or 5 Physical Security 100
3 Pin Lock Physical Security 75
Lockpicking Meeting Flag Lockpicking 50
Meeting Flag Opsec 50
Buried in the Sand Reverse Engineering II 50
debugger Reverse Engineering II 200
Assembly Meeting Flag x86_64 Assembly 50
RE II Meeting Flag Reverse Engineering II 50
basic64 Reverse Engineering I 100
Python RE 1 Easy rev Reverse Engineering I 75
Reverse Engineering I Meeting Flag Reverse Engineering I 50
CryptoHack Level 5 CryptoHack 80
CryptoHack Level 4 CryptoHack 60
CryptoHack Level 3 CryptoHack 40
CryptoHack Level 2 CryptoHack 20
Word Counter II Web 75
Word Counter I Web III 75
A Ratty Investigation 4 OSINT I 100
A Ratty Investigation 8 OSINT I 100
A Ratty Investigation 6 OSINT I 100
A Ratty Investigation 5 OSINT I 100
A Ratty Investigation 2 OSINT I 100
A Ratty Investigation 1 OSINT I 100
Find Spoingus 4 OSINT I 100
Find Spoingus 3 OSINT I 100
Find Spoingus 2 OSINT I 100
Find Spoingus 1 OSINT I 100
OSINT I Meeting Flag OSINT I 50
Bobby Tables Web II 300
UIUC 2 - CS 598 TQ Web II 350
XSS 3 Web II 300
SQL Injection 2 Web II 250
XSS 2 Web II 200
XSS 1 Web II 100
SQL Injection 1 Web II 100
Web II Meeting Flag Web II 50
bandit05 Intro to Terminal and Setup 20
bandit04 Intro to Terminal and Setup 20
bandit03 Intro to Terminal and Setup 20
bandit02 Intro to Terminal and Setup 20
bandit01 Intro to Terminal and Setup 20
bandit00 Intro to Terminal and Setup 20
New Intern 3 Web I 200
New Intern 2 Web I 100
The Source of Your Problems Web I 50
Path To Success Web I 50
Inspect Me 4 Web I 50
Inspect Me 5 Web I 50
Inspect Me 2 Web I 50
Inspect Me 3 Web I 50
Inspect Me 7 Web I 50
Inspect Me 6 Web I 50
Inspect Me 8 Web I 50
Inspect Me 1 Web I 50
New Intern 1 Web I 25
Decision Day 4 Web I 25
Decision Day 3 Web I 25
Decision Day 2 Web I 25
Decision Day 1 Web I 25
Web I Meeting Flag Web I 50
the-library-4 Intro to Terminal and Setup 50
the-library-3 Intro to Terminal and Setup 50
the-library-2 Intro to Terminal and Setup 50
the-library-1 Intro to Terminal and Setup 50
A Very Special Character 2 Intro to Terminal and Setup 30
netcat Intro to Terminal and Setup 20
A Very Special Character Intro to Terminal and Setup 20
Setup Meeting Flag Intro to Terminal and Setup 50
CryptoHack Level 1 CryptoHack 10
Welcome to SIGPwny! Welcome 50
SIGPwny Discord Welcome 50
Discord Authentication Welcome 50